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Outstanding team of seven habits

Document/ Publication: 2019-11-06    Nubmer: 23498

Summary: Today a lot of success is not a person fight alone

A lot of success today is not something that can be achieved by one person alone. It depends more on the strength of the team. But knowing the importance of teamwork, you don't necessarily know what true teamwork should be. American sales coach Geoffrey James wrote about him and Phil Geldart (author of the book "The Handbook of Behaviors") about some of the principles that teams can overcome to the most headaches. Here we share with you the seven characteristics of a truly outstanding team.

1. Outstanding team has a leader

Whether a team member is from the same organization or selected from a different organization, there must be an appointed or recognized team. While team leaders need someone else on the team to submit results, it's the team, not the team, who is responsible for the results.

2. Outstanding teams have measurable goals

Teamwork expects each member of the team to truly understand the goals that the team is trying to achieve. This feeling is possible when the team's goals are measured objectively. This also means that team goals must be quantified rather than ambiguous. For example, the goal of "building a better customer relationship" is to swear. On the contrary, "increasing the rate of return of 50%" is, and understandable.

3. Outstanding team has clear goals

Every team member should really know what their daily work is, so that the team can achieve their goals. Without careful classification, team members are easily misunderstood and mutually limited in their work.

The cross-role of team members should be carefully thought out before starting the action, and they can be more as the team moves forward.

4. Outstanding team sharing resources

To be successful, members must be willing to share any resources in their hands that are what the team needs to achieve its goals. Including material resources (funds, materials, office space, computers, etc.) also include spiritual and emotional resources (like ideas, advice, passion and encouragement, etc.). If team members build up on their own, the team will be weakened and even fail completely.

5, outstanding team can communicate effectively

Team members must meet at least once a week, depending on the goals and time frame. Need more if necessary. More importantly, team communication is organized (if necessary, or reorganized) so that each member knows what will continue, and perhaps more importantly, what expectations they have before the next meeting.

6, outstanding team is dedicated

Dedication is expressed through consistency, especially the behavior of team members. They are willing and able to do everything the team needs to achieve its goals. Although the outstanding team is dedicated, despite this, they are not forced. No member should sacrifice their private life for the team. In fact, when team members cannot live in balance, they cannot express consistency in behavior.

7, outstanding team has no big self

A strong self is a good thing in many business situations, but not inside a team. Because a team needs to work effectively, individuals in the team must control the self and make the team itself and the team's goals more important than individual members, or individual contributions. Otherwise, the show and the protagonist will short-circuit everything.

Of course, any habit is not naturally generated, but we need to cultivate such a culture and help the team develop. I believe that if team members have such awareness in their hearts, they will be more successful than those who meet regularly and have optimistic hopes. It is easier said than done, but it also shows that any success is not easy.